Exhibition information

The 15th Miran Fukuda New Work: Prints

March 06, 1999 - May 30, 1999

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Miran Fukuda represents Japan's new generation of artists. She debuted in the late 1980s with paintings of images assembled from today's consumption-oriented society. In her works since the 1990s, she has borrowed traditional and popular images and styles from various artworks familiar to us through magazines, books, and television. These have shed light on the reproductive media's mediation of the relationship between our visual experience and art, as well as the institutional framework of art. This exhibition, the second in our series on young Japanese artists, featured the theme of today's printed or reproductive culture, presenting Fukuda's new works that explore a wide range of printing-related issues, from copyright to cloning. It later traveled to The National Museum of Art Osaka, co-organizers of the project, where the addition of representative works from throughout her career gave viewers a valuable overview of her art.