Exhibition Archive

Exhibition information

The164th AOBA SHOW: Masuteru Aoba One-Man Show

October 17, 2008 - November 15, 2008

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For a month from October to November, the ddd gallery is playing host to the exhibition entitled: “AOBA SHOW: Masuteru Aoba One-Man Show.”
Masuteru Aoba, an art director who devotes himself to peace and ecology, constantly views society with a fiercely critical gaze, questioning the world through his outstanding peace posters and using design to sound a warning bell on environmental issues.
This exhibition, which has the same theme as his life’s work, “ecology and peace,” includes images of flowers and leaves from familiar plants and trees, as well as mysterious forms that appear on street-corner walls and telephone poles where notices have peeled or weathered away. This is a graphic message exhibition, which takes Japanese characters and other images from discarded newspapers and magazines as motifs. All the posters are completely new and directly address contemporary environmental problems such as global warming and energy and food issues. It also introduces Aoba’s art in the form of his massive oeuvre of objets and drawings on animal and human motifs, which he continued to produce for many years.