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The294th Shueitai 100

January 11, 2011 - January 31, 2011

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In January 2011, for its 294th Exhibition ginza graphic gallery (ggg) will mount &Shueitai 100,” an exhibition commemorating the centennial anniversary of the creation of Shueitai, an original printing type first introduced by Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd. in 1912 and still in wide use. Shueitai is one of the two main styles within the Ming-cho typeface family, the other being Tsukijitai, and its influence on subsequent Japanese typefaces has been seminal. To convey Shueitai’s ageless appeal, the ggg exhibition will feature new poster works by 24 graphic designers and one design team, all on the theme of “the four seasons.” In addition, through a broad array of works including books, posters and advertising, the exhibition will offer visitors an overview of Shueitai’s one hundred years amidst the dynamic changes from the days of movable type to its current applications in the digital era.