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The287th NB@ggg Neville Brody 2010

June 04, 2010 - June 28, 2010

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A decade after the FUSE exhibition, UK designer Neville Brody will finally appear at ggg. Brody came to symbolize an era with his vivid record cover designs and art direction, particularly for The Face. The impact of such early work was so powerful that his subsequent creative life meandering through a series of twists and turns. In Japan, the Neville Brody Exhibition at PARCO in 1990 was a major undertaking. Two decades have passed since then but Brody's creative spirit remains undiminished. In this show, his iconic works for Fetish Records and The Face are nowhere to be found. Instead, new and recent works that fill their space with powerful visuals show Neville Brody in the present tense, continuing to generate innovative, deeply impressive works.To design something means to reflect the designer's intention in one form or another; you should face up to risks and give yourself permission to break the rules - to understand Brody's consistent approach and creative resolve may offer an opportunity for rethinking the profession of design.