Exhibition Archive

Exhibition information

The 393rd ginza graphic gallery Exhibition Urgent!! The Animals' Conference
From the DNP Graphic Design Archives Collection

February 09, 2023 - March 25, 2023

Design:Kazumasa Nagai
Design: Kazumasa Nagai
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In 1949 German poet and novelist Erich Kästner wrote and published the picture book The Animals’ Conference, a children’s story about the animals of the world standing up in anger and for justice to create a world without war. It is a biting social critique by animals against the foolish humans who keep fighting wars and destroying the environment, which continues to this day over 70 years later in 2023 with crises such as the Russian invasion of Ukraine and uncontrolled global warming. Kästner tried to convey that animals, who have been at the mercy of and vexed by humans, are far more sensible and have a much greater ability to take action.
   This exhibition, Urgent!! The Animals’ Conference, was inspired by the book. Around 120 posters that embody Kästner’s passion for coexistence and peace between humans and animals have been selected from the DNP Graphic Design Archives. The exhibition is also a graphic message by  Japanese graphic designers, art directors, and artists who have given animals the lead or supporting role to convey their awareness of problems and crises related to life, the environment, war, culture, and society.
   The animals are portrayed with a variety of methods including photography, painting, illustration, and graphic design. Since times of old, animals have adorned many different styles of art in Japan, from kachoga (bird-and-flower painting, a style of art originating in China) to Rinpa school style and ukiyo-e painting. Experience unique and unparalleled works of uninhibited, colorful, and delicate visual expression that emphasize sensibility over intellect and carry on Japanese art traditions.
   An exhibition with the same title was held at The Japan Cultural Institute in Rome from May to July 2022. It gained attention due to its huge turnout despite the record heat of over 40˚C driven by global warming. Currently the exhibition is being held on a smaller scale at The Japan Cultural Institute in Paris. The Rome exhibition will be reconstructed at ggg, but with even more diverse contents. Despite different languages, the animals have crossed national borders to convey important things we are at risk of losing.


DNP Ginza Building 1F, B1F
7-2, Ginza 7-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0061
TEL: 03-3571-5206  FAX: 03-3289-1389
Open hours: 11:00am - 7:00pm  Admission free
Closed on Sundays and holidays

*Please check HERE for details before your visit.


Masuteru AOBA, Katsumi ASABA, Kiyoshi AWAZU, Tsuguya INOUE, Yukimasa OKUMURA, Kaoru KASAI, Yusaku KAMEKURA, Yoichiro KAWAGUCHI, Tsunehisa KIMURA, K2, Takashi KONO, Ryohei KOJIMA, Koichi SATO, Taku SATOH, U.G. SATO, Kenjiro SANO, Norito SHINMURA, Keiichi TANAAMI, Ikko TANAKA, Seiju TODA, Kazufumi NAGAI, Kazumasa NAGAI, Hiroaki NAGAI, Norio NAKAMURA, Nagi NODA, Kazunari HATTORI, Yoshio HAYAKAWA, Kenya HARA, Osamu FUKUSHIMA, Shigeo FUKUDA, Gan HOSOYA, Keizo MATSUI, Shin MATSUNAGA, Kijuro YAHAGI, Tadanori YOKOO, Makoto WADA (Japanese syllabary order)


Kazumasa NAGAI

Gallery Talk and Events

Details will be announced on the gallery website and SNS.